What Can Be Done With Corrugated Cardboard?

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Practical, versatile, and light, corrugated cardboard can be used to pack objects and goods. Indeed, this type of cardboard, also called sandwich material, is composed of several sheets of fluted paper. It is this assembly that gives it excellent resistance to handling and shocks. Moreover, corrugated cardboard is available in different shapes and thicknesses. You can use single-sided, multi-layer to pack goods or objects during a move.

Because of its incredible lightness and diversity of colors, corrugated cardboard is also used in decoration. It can be used to make decorative objects for parties or accessories for the office. This way, you can save money on materials. Besides, a little DIY session will also do you a world of good.

Which Corrugated Box to Choose for a Move?

A move takes work to manage. It must be well organized and prepared weeks in advance. Indeed, the move is accompanied by various administrative procedures (insurance cancellation, bank account, etc.). It is also essential to look for a mover weeks in advance to find a better price and the right car. Moreover, some moving companies offer exciting packages. Some of them include the packing of your belongings. However, you can do it yourself to save money. Therefore, choose the right boxes and supplies to protect your belongings and avoid damage along the way.

You can find boxes at home improvement stores or small shops. Choose their size according to the objects to be packed. Use special packaging such as corrugated cardboard, for items that are more delicate and more likely to break. These are suitable for heavy products as they resist shattering and moisture. You can buy them in department stores or from companies specializing in manufacturing industrial equipment.

How to Make Decorative Objects With Corrugated Cardboard?

Corrugated cardboard comes in different colors and thicknesses. That’s why they are widely used in the decoration industry to make objects and dress up old furniture. If you are a little creative, you will see that you can make beautiful things with cardboard. You can invite your children to join you, as they love doing crafts. Besides, you should know that playful workshops are perfect for children. It not only develops their creativity but also stimulates their intelligence. If you want to use corrugated cardboard to make small decorative objects such as garlands, flowers, and pencil pots, buy the ones in rolls and bright colors.

You can also use corrugated cardboard for a birthday party or baptism to make pretty candy boxes for your guests. You’ll save money since a few cm of corrugated cardboard is enough to make several small objects. If you don’t want to use them anymore, just throw them in the recycling bin for cardboard. Indeed, corrugated cardboard is 100% recyclable. They will be reused to manufacture new packaging, thus avoiding the waste of energy and raw materials. However, be aware that they cannot be recycled if they are wet. You should, therefore, not throw wet cardboard into the recycling bin. The same is true for pizza boxes. If they are soiled with grease, they should be thrown in the garbage since they cannot be recycled. It is also not necessary to remove labels and tapes.

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