7 Easy DIY Valentine’s Day Cards

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Love is intricate. It is a fusion of feelings, actions, and shared values mixed with a strong sense of care, warmth, protection, and respect. But above all, love is something that takes work! And as Valentine’s day is approaching, what an ideal time to celebrate your love with your other half. Even if you are not a fan of this holiday event – some find it more commercial than anything else – you can still take this day to spend quality time with your lover and show him /her how much you care with a romantic DIY card.

You can personalize your wishes in your own beautiful and original way to give him an extra touch of love. Do you lack some inspiration? No worries! We’ve got you covered! In this article, we give you 7 ideas to create a lovely and exciting Valentine’s Day card.


1. Heart Shaped Valentine’s Day Card

It is undoubtedly the simplest idea, but it is still very useful. Take a red card and fold it in half. Starting from the top of the folded half, trace the outline of a heart. Then cut out the template, and you will get a perfect heart-shaped card. You can use it open or closed!


2. Fun Valentine’s Day card

Take a red card and fold it in half. On the first page, paste a playing card, the King of Hearts. Underneath, with a black marker, write “You are the King of my heart”. A fun card that will still make a definite impact.


3. A Sweet Valentine’s Day Card

Do it with chocolates. Prepare the homemade filled chocolates with a heart-shaped mold. Take a sheet of aluminum foil (maybe red!) and cover them. At this point, take a red card and fold it in half. On the first page, glue a sheet of white paper and, on top, the heart-shaped chocolates to make a figure: a flower, a heart, the symbol of infinity, the choice is yours and according to your taste and preferences.


4. Valentine’s Day Card With Lollipop

Take a blank card and draw a heart. Cut it out and use it as a template for your card. Put it on a felt square and, with a pencil, draw the edges on the fabric. Cut out the edges following the shape of the pattern. Do it again to get two small felt hearts. Sew them together with a needle and thick thread to leave the bottom free. Put a little lollipop right there. There won’t be a sweeter gift to bring!


5. Valentine’s Card With Buttons

Do you have any extra buttons at home? Why not use them creatively? Take a card of your favorite color and fold it in half. Then take the buttons you have, maybe in different colors and sizes, and stick them on the cover. Without even saying it, remind them that the shape you have to give is that of a heart.


6. Valentine’s Day Card With Photos

A trendy idea is to create a small collage of photos that tell some of the most beautiful moments spent together and combine it with a romantic dedication, perhaps a quote from your favorite writer.


7. Valentine’s Day Card With Reasons for Your Love

Another romantic and artistically simple option is to create a model based on flowers and insert inside a list of all the reasons why you are in love with your partner. With the help of a computer and a basic graphic program, it will be possible to print a true masterpiece of style.


With those 7 creative ideas, you can create yourself stunning a Valentine’s Day card for your lover without spending a lot but which will still mean a lot to him/her. Don’t forget to let us know how it went in the comments below.

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