This post is a continuation from part 2 on How to Remove Rust Stain. Lately, in part 1, we have gone through the following:.
– Cleaning rust stain on leather
– Removing a rust stain from fabric
In part 2, we had further covered the following:
– Removing rust stain from a garment
– Removing rust stain on wood
– Cleaning rust stain on a floor or wall
– Removing a rust stain on a smooth coating
We will now cover the final part, which is:
– Removing a rust stain on metal
– Cleaning a rust stain on stone
– Detergents to remove a rust stain
Removing a rust stain on metal
Here’s how to remove a rust stain on metal.
On stainless steel
– Put a little salt on the stain.
– Rub it with a sponge soaked in lemon juice.
On copper
– Immerse the copper object in a basin containing:
◦ lukewarm red wine;
◦ coarse salt;
◦ diluted chicory;
◦ Cola.
– Polish with elbow grease and an abrasive sponge.
– Wash with clear water.
– Wipe dry.
Another effective solution: an electrochemical bath.
On brass
If the brass oxidizes, the best solution is to immerse it in Cola and then rub it vigorously.
Note: Rinsing and polishing are required after such a treatment.
Cleaning a rust stain on stone
To remove a rust stain on a stone:
– If the stain is small:
◦ Apply textile rust remover.
◦ Rinse.
Other effective detergents: methylated spirits.
– If the stain is impregnated:
◦ Mix:
▪ of Spanish white;
▪ 1 kg of sodium citrate;
▪ 6 liters of glycerine;
▪ 6 liters of water.
◦ Place this thick mixture on the stain.
◦ Wait for the mixture to dry.
◦ Rinse and brush to remove the detergent.
– If rust remains: Repeat until all rust is removed.
On marble
To remove a rust stain on marble, apply a cloth impregnated with hydrogen peroxide to the stained area.
Another effective detergent: a product against oxidation in drugstores.
On stoneware
– Dilute (carefully!) oxalic acid in water.
– Rub the stain with this mixture.
– Rinse.
– Dry.
On granite
– Clean with a bleached sponge.
– Dab the stain with cotton moistened with methylated spirits.
Other effective stain removers: lemon juice with added salt, a special anti-rust stain remover for natural stone.
Detergents to remove a rust stain
– Organic lemon juice: 3 $/50 ml
– Table salt: 4 $/200 g
– Organic washing powder: 10 $/2,5 kg
– Anti-rust for textile: 5 $/100 ml
– Anti-rust for carpets and rugs (dry): 5 $/50 ml
– Anti-rust canister for wood: 25 $/liter
– Ammonia: 1,50 $/liter
– Sodium hyposulfite: 6 $/200 g
– Oxalic acid (sorrel salt): 12 $/750 g
– Glycerin: 1 $/100 ml
– Turpentine essence: 15 $/liter
– Hydrochloric acid: 1,50 $/liter
– Oven Stripper: 9 $/500 ml
– Hydrogen peroxide: 6 $/liter
– Chicory powder: 2 $/100 g
– Cola: 2 $/1,5 liter
– Blanc d’Espagne or Blanc de Meudon: 4 $/500 g
– Sodium citrate: 9 $/100 g
– Alcohol to burn: 3 $/liter
– Bleach canister: 1,50 $/2 liters
Note: prices are given as an indication.
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